The Maker's Series: The Art of Reconciliation

Reconciliation is hard to achieve. As much as we want to see it happen across the world - from politics to our personal lives - it is not something that happens easily. While it's possible to set up systems to help facilitate it, there is also an art to reconciliation that is worth addressing.

Please join us for another installment of The Makers Series featuring Alex Mejias (musician), Alyssa Pheobus Mumtaz (artist, professor, textile designer) and Eze Amos (photographer). Our three presenters will be discussing their experience with reconciliation and how it has pertained to their work. 

The Makers Series is hosted by Christ Episcopal Church Charlottesville and co-sponsored by The Garage and New City Arts Initiative. Each time, three artists present their work and then briefly speak about their creative process. Towards the end of the night, the floor opens up for Q&A. Our aim is to provide an opportunity for artists to present their work in front of a captive audience and to also invite them to share the less glamorous parts of their experience – the failures alongside the successes, the frustrations with the inspiration; everything that goes into the finished product.

Light refreshments will be served (but eat dinner before you come). Meade Hall is located in Christ Episcopal Church Charlottesville. Use the entrance across from McGuffey Park on 2nd and Jefferson St. NW. Questions? Contact us

Poster design by Ashley Walton

A flyer with orange, white and blue vertical waved stripes in the background. In thin-lined black text it reads, " The ARt of Reconciliation feat. Alex Mejas, Alyssa Pheobus Mumtaz, Eze Amos | Monday October 23 7PM.

October New City Arts and Crafts


Charlottesville SOUP: Fall 2017