Summer 2014 Open Studios

Join us at our Haven studios on Thursday, June 19, 2014 for open studios with our resident artists, Laura Snyder and Mara Sprafkin.

Artworks by Laura Snyder and Mara Sprafkin including a mixed media work with repetitive geometric shapes in bold blue lines over a road map and a mixed media photo of a beach scene overlaid with multicolored geometric shapes forming a mosaic star.

Artwork images courtesy of the artists


As a part of a collaborative residency between New City Arts and The Haven, Mara and Laura maintain vibrant, individual studio practices and collaboratively facilitate creative opportunities for Haven guests and the Charlottesville community through weekly memory map production.

From 5-7 PM, join us for light refreshments and an opportunity to see what these artists have been working on since September. Studios are located on the second floor of The Haven (112 W. Market St.).


Laura works with notions of cartography and memory within the context of the visual arts and community. Click here for a video documenting a community mapping project she completed in the neighborhood of Getsemaní in Cartagena, Columbia.

Mara’s work focuses thematically on the feminine experience in the course of art history and as an idea that currently impacts how woman exist and are viewed by men and by other women. Simultaneously her own personal experiences working, making and living are recorded and publicly blogged by her studio assistant, Paul Handler.


Exhibition Opening for Souvenir


Exhibition Opening for Community Map Drawings: You Are Here