Jae Johnson

Jae Johnson grew up in the Fifeville area of Charlottesville, Virginia.

He attended Venable Elementary school where his art instructor and favorite teacher, Ms. Joanne Curry, first pushed him to be the best artist he could be. During elementary school, however, he stopped drawing and didn’t start again until his freshman year at Charlottesville High School. After graduating in 2006, Jae went on to Virginia State University where he majored in studio art. Jae Jae has numerous pieces in private collections in places ranging from Maryland to Oakland, California. His preferred medium is currently Copic markers with a touch of graphite. Recently, he’s ventured into the world of public art as a Muralist. 

Jae has exhibited his work at New City Arts' Welcome Gallery and has participated in the Artist Exchange and 7x7x7 interview series.