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Nina Frances Burke: hurtsmyeyes


New City Arts presents hurtsmyeyes, multimedia works by Nina Frances Burke in May at the WVTF & Radio IQ Studio Gallery, in partnership with UVA Arts.


WVTF & Radio IQ Studio Gallery
216 W. Water Street, Charlottesville, VA 22902

First Fridays
May 5, 5:00–7:00 PM
Free and open to the public. All ages welcome.

Gallery Hours
By appointment only, through May 31
Contact us: Elly Roller, 434-202-5277,

Presented by NPR, WVTF and Radio IQ, UVA Arts and New City Arts, our exhibit opening reception is sponsored by Feast! and Bold Rock Hard Cider.

Exhibition Statement (provided by the artist)

This installation marks a shift in my studio practice from conceptual data-driven works. It began with geometric works on paper; an exercise in counterintuitive combinations of color and form — not pretty, but satisfying. I was looking at a lot of Sigmar Polke and Frank Stella, saw the Stella retrospective at The Whitney, and then discovered that the Dayglo Color Company was still selling fluorescent paints. When I had poured hurts-my- eyes-bright pink onto every available surface in my studio, I cast an eye onto a likely pile of found scrap wood, and then my works on paper morphed into this body of work.

I consider each object in the site-specific installation as a discrete unit of expression (like a word), made from found materials, and made of itself. I consider color as itself as well. Objects group together like a sentence, a non-linear lyric narrative like a paragraph or poem. I use found objects gleaned from the waste stream of our late-capitalist building boom, recycling centers, and my local hardware store, rather than the art supply store, finding great value in marks of age and use.

About the Artist (provided by the artist)

Visual artist Nina Frances Burke uses data to map relationships between random objects or events, applying an idiosyncratic vocabulary of geometric forms, light, and found object installations to explore the nature of form and language. Her practice focuses on the analog in data and installation, maintaining traces of hand and history when utilizing (high/low) technology. She works in an open studio at McGuffey Art Center.

Image courtesy of the artist.

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