New City Arts presents “The New World,” an exhibit by Charlottesville artist Dean Dass and poet Sam Witt at The WVTF and Radio IQ Studio Gallery. This work is exhibited courtesy of Les Yeux du Monde.
WVTF & Radio IQ Studio Gallery
216 W. Water Street, Charlottesville, VA 22902
First Fridays
May 7, 5:00–7:00 PM
Free and open to the public. All ages welcome.
Gallery Hours
By appointment only
Contact us
Presented by NPR, WVTF, Radio IQ, and New City Arts, our exhibit opening is sponsored by Feast! and Blenheim Vineyards.
Exhibition Statement (provided by the artist)
One of the ways in which art thrives and progresses is by means of scrambling ready-made formulae and modes of production too often artificially separated into easy and pre-existing categories. Collaboration is a terrific way to reinvent these categories and create new forms; to that end, we find that poetry and visual art combine to make an extraordinary new experience for the participant, reader, and viewer. The title "The New World" seems especially appropriate as it describes both the subject of the works on view as well as the mode of working.
Image courtesy of Dean Dass.