Art, Food, and Community: 2014 Forum
2014 2014

Art, Food, and Community: 2014 Forum

On March 6-8, 2014, artists, professors, curators, directors, chefs, writers, farmers, and foodies presented on a wide range of topics -- Community Supported Art models, land-use art, food-based sculpture, art and food-oriented social engagement, and everything in-between.

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Kate Daughdrill: Workshop
2012 2012

Kate Daughdrill: Workshop

Throughout the weekend of April 18-22, Detroit-based artist Kate Daughdrill, (Garage co-founder and NCAI Forum presenter) will be creating a series of birdseed prints on the downtown mall and the surrounding streets.

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Art, City, and Society: 2012 Forum
2012 2012

Art, City, and Society: 2012 Forum

New City Arts hosted our first Forum with 175 attendees and 13 presenters in April 2012. The presenters included national arts representatives, university professors, arts administrators, artists, and philosophers.

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Exhibition Opening for Our Common Landscape
2012 2012

Exhibition Opening for Our Common Landscape

Join New City Arts at the WVTF & Radio IQ Studio Gallery on April 6, 2012, from 5:00-7:00PM for an opening reception for Our Common Landscape, work by Dean Dass, Adam Wolpa, Kate Daughdrill, Greg Kelly, and Steve Taylor at The WVTF and Radio IQ Studio Gallery.

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