Faith Seeking Understanding Forum with Daniel A. Siedell

On Sunday, May 5 at 5 PM in Room 202Daniel A. Siedell, Ph. D., will speak at Trinity Presbyterian Church as a part of Trinity's “Faith Seeking Understanding Forum” series. This talk is in partnership with New City Arts.

A portrait of Daniel A. Siedell, a middle-aged man with very short black hair stares confidently into the camera while wearing a dark black blazer over a gray button down shirt.

Siedell's talk, “It Starts in the Parking Lot: Reflections on Art and the Church,” will address visual art practices related to sacred space and liturgical movements.

Dan Siedell is the 2012-2013 New City Arts Scholar in Residence. This year long position represents an initiative by the organization to create a body of scholarship directed at increasing visual literacy and appreciation within our community.

Trinity Presbyterian Church is located at 3101 Fontaine Avenue Exd, Charlottesville, VA 22903. Questions? Contact us


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